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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/10/17
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/10/17

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler (left at 10:10am), Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance: Justin Cole, Don Clawson, Dennis Lynch

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Kenn made a motion to appoint Steve Weisz as Chair.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  • Justin Cole of Baystate Municipal Accounting met with the Board about the Treasurer and Accounting positions/status as well as the plan moving forward.
a.  The Accounting side is behind and inconsistencies are abundant.
b.  Fiscal year end is in less than 60 days, and there is about 6 months of work to catch up on.  They hope to complete the work by June.
c.  Short term: The Treasurer’s plan is to begin research and work in conjunction with the Accounting side to close/balance each month to date.
d.  Long term: Baystate is proposing a lower cost to continue a combined position (Treasurer and Accounting) for a 2 year contract with a 60 day out.  This scenario allows service to be more streamlined.  Justin is confident they can do the work for what we have already budgeted, allowing them to address the unique needs of our town and work individually with the department heads.
  • Don Clawson, Principal Assessor was asked to come in to discuss the 2 issues found in the Treasurer’s office:
a.  The Treasurer for FY17 did not advise the Board and Finance Committee to place an article on the warrant for the 1st transfer station payment (which was understood to be in FY18) in the amount of $60,150.
b.  The amount given by the Treasurer for the 1st fire truck payment in FY18 was short by $15,548.
c.  M. Noe summarized the options given from Jim Podolak at the Department of Revenue to rectify these issues.  It was agreed that the best option may be to hold a special town meeting and transfer the necessary funds from free cash.  This meeting will need to be scheduled prior to June 30th.  A memo to the Finance Committee will be sent informing them of the situation.
  • Community Center: Kenn has been speaking with Counsel regarding drafting an updated lease; Steve is going to assume this responsibility and will present this to the Board.
  • Kenn will be meeting with Verizon and the cell tower company on Friday.
  • M. Noe will have the plans the Building Inspector is requiring for the permit for the swap shack today.
  • M.D. Amstead was here yesterday with regards to the new office to be created.
  • Steve read an email from the Town Clerk summarizing the additional hours she has been working.  Going forward any additional time will be approved by the Select Board first.
  • Dennis Lynch came in with a question regarding the article on the town meeting warrant with regards to applying for grants (article 31).  The Board stated that prior to any grants being applied for they need to be presented to the Board. The Board discussed the most recent outreach for an ADA grant which involved a site visit to town buildings. The Board reminded Dennis that prior to any consultants being brought in the Board should be consulted first.
  • Don Clawson reported a phone call he received from a member of the School Committee regarding a potential issue with the school’s roof and boiler Bond.  The school committee member is requesting a meeting with the Finance Committee Chair.
  • The Board discussed the MLP’s letter to John Ash.  Steve wanted to review it again before agreeing to send it from the Select Board.  
  • The Board discussed the election results which approved changing the Clerk and Treasurer positions from elected to appointed.  It was agreed that when we have a full board at next week’s meeting the Board will need to discuss the Clerk position and whether or not they will be advertising the position, what office hours will be set, and if the pay will be hourly (and what the rate will be) or salary.  A motion was made to reappoint Terry Walker as Town Clerk through June 30, 2017 allowing the Board time to deliberate the options.  The motion was seconded and approved.
  • The Conservation Commission requested that the Board appoint Mark Little to the Commission.  A motion was made to appoint Mark Little for a 3 year term which was seconded and approved.
  • Minutes from 5/3/17 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:05am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk